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Hellcat’s Hope: Finding Humor,
Healing, and Hope

I’m a talker.

Always have been – ask my oldest brother.
He’ll tell you.

I’ve been a podcast consumer for a few years now and it hit me one day – you should do a podcast!  You can talk about all things journaling, life, life coaching, smoking cessation, social advocacy, random funny stories, career, business leadership, football, travel, mind management, running, weight loss, divorce, courage, relationships, God, love, family, politics, psychotic animals, co-parenting, sending your first born off to college, the law, gaming, friends….

The possibilities are endless really with some great interviews thrown in there for good measure.

I want to share hope with others and show them what’s possible!

What better way to share my Mission of love, learning, and being a passionate advocate for fairness and hope.

Hellcat's Hope Podcast is LIVE!
(released July 2020 and now has over 5,000 downloads)

To find Hellcat's Hope: Finding Humor, Healing, and Hope Podcast just click the Icons below.
Or search probably anywhere else you listen to your Podcasts! 
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Here's where I need your help, my friends:
  • Please SUBSCRIBE in iTunes. Just click the Subscribe button. 

The more subscribers and downloads (listening) we can get over the next 24-48 hours and throughout the next two weeks is critical for iTunes.

I can't believe it's happening!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me realize this dream!

Love, Hellcat

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"When you walk in your purpose, you collide with your destiny."
-Dr. Bertice Berry

Contact Lorrie:
Edmond, OK 73025

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