Stop Begging and Start Building

Lorrie Hellcat Bamford, and yes, Hellcat is her legal middle name, was born and raised 1 of 11 children in Dallas, Texas. Lorrie overcame her circumstances of adversity - learning, over time, to use her moments of resilience to build confidence and hope one thought and one action at a time. One of the lessons learned in her journey to confidence was to stop begging for crumbs from a table where you don’t even like what they’re serving. Lorrie’s stories of resilience, loss, growth, change, and perspective will take you on a journey of building your own table and learning to stop begging for the attention, respect, relationship, support, and sometimes even a mere acknowledgment from people, who, at their core, you don’t even really like what they’re about and what they’re serving.
Crumbs is about discovering your own place, your own flavors, and then deciding who you want at your own table that you will build. Know and learn when to walk away. Stop begging for people to be who they are incapable of being and focus on building your life around what and who you want and what and who is important to you.
Find those with whom you are truly aligned: stop begging and start building.
Crumbs is about discovering your own place, your own flavors, and then deciding who you want at your own table that you will build. Know and learn when to walk away. Stop begging for people to be who they are incapable of being and focus on building your life around what and who you want and what and who is important to you.
Find those with whom you are truly aligned: stop begging and start building.